November 7-8, 2024
New York University
370 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201
The talks and registration will take place in New York University 370 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY. 11201
The Joint Conference on Serious Games (JCSG)
is dedicated to Serious Games and their multifaceted characteristics.
The conference addresses all aspects related to the theory and practice of Serious Games,
encompassing design, development, evaluation, assessment and efficacy, immersion and engagement,
technology and platform considerations, and the diverse application domains within which Serious Games can be utilized.
Serious Games are increasingly adopted for various purposes, including learning and training,
health and wellbeing, industrial applications, marketing, and cultural engagement. Formalized
approaches to design and evaluation are enhancing the discipline, enabling the creation of new
Serious Games with a greater likelihood of achieving desired objectives and fostering a deeper
comprehension of the circumstances leading to optimal outcomes.
JCSG aims to unite scientists and practitioners in Serious Games with those in contributing disciplines,
encompassing educators and trainers, healthcare professionals (doctors, therapists, counselors),
industry and management experts, artists, cultural professionals, and those involved in the cultural heritage sector.
This year, the conference will highlight works leveraging current AI technologies, such as Large Language Models and
Multi-Agent Architectures, to enhance the design, implementation, and operation of Serious Games.
The JCSG portal provides an overview of previous conferences, including all proceedings.
This year, the conference will highlight works leveraging current AI technologies, such as Large Language Models and Multi-Agent Architectures, to enhance the design, implementation, and operation of Serious Games. Authors are encouraged to submit work related to this theme where appropriate.
As in all previous years, papers on topics not necessarily related to the year’s theme are also very welcome. These topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Please prepare your paper submission in the Springer LNCS format for your submission and use EasyChair. All submitted papers will undergo a thorough peer-review process by the JCSG Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published by Springer in their LNCS series. To be included in the proceedings, at least one author of an accepted submission has to register and present at JCSG 2024.
should describe novel unpublished scientific work relating to one or more of the topics listed above.
should describe best-practice results or new ideas and concepts, experiments.
should describe experiments, demos of Serious Games, products/titles and prototypes.
should describe new ideas, approaches and work in progress.
Accepted long papers and short papers are presented
in the regular sessions with oral presentations. Poster and demo papers
are presented in an open, interactive forum during poster sessions. Posters
provide an opportunity to describe and discuss new ideas or work in progress.
Demos provide an opportunity to show your work to (and receive feedback from)
conference participants.
Papers should be formatted in the LNCS one-column page format. Page lengths do
not include bibliography, but they do include title and abstract.
All accepted papers (full papers, short papers, demo papers and poster contributions)
will be included into the official LNCS proceedings published by Springer.
* all deadlines are at 23:59 (11:59PM) Anywhere on Earth (AoE) timezone (UTC-12)