
CrushStations is a game designed to train working memory, a subskill of executive functions. Working memory involves holding information in mind and mentally working with it (Diamond, 2013).

Players need to remember the color and type of creatures to free them and keep them out of reach of the hungry octopus.

How does this support learning?

Executive functions refer to a set of top-down, goal-oriented cognitive processes that enable people to control, monitor and plan behaviors and emotions. Miyake and Friedman’s model supports a unity-and-diversity view of EF in that it incorporates the three distinct but related components of EF: inhibitory control, task-switching and updating (Miyake et al., 2000).



These games were created by New York University’s CREATE lab in collaboration with the University of California, Santa Barbara, The Graduate Center, CUNY, supported in part by a research grant from the Institute of Education Science (IES).